Verify Certifications
Check or Learn about our members Certification levels, any restrictions or expiry dates.
If certification - link above does not show – and you see this message, "Improperly configured." - Please refresh page!
Use your browser reset, the button At the top of the page…
You should then see this…
Welcome to the certificate validator (Check CERT!)
Please enter a valid identification number.
Enter Identification Code -
The ID Code looks like this: Certificate ID

PREVIOUS CERTIFICATIONS are validated by the unique ITDA Holograhic Sticker... See here!
Certifications International Recognition & Acceptance
In order to correctly use the validation service you will need the Certificate ID. which is included in the e-certification mail you will have received.
The ID Code looks like this: Certificate ID
Certifications before 09.23
These will be in a different system and all ITDA-IHMP Students, divers and first aid certified persons are welcome to upgrade to the new e-certification system. Just send us an email to admin@diveitda.com and we will begin your upgrade process (Cost is just $10 USD Once only fee for admin)....
PREVIOUS CERTIFICATIONS may also be validated by the early e-certifications unique ITDA-IHMP Secure ID Cards... See here!
Special Note...
As we have completly changed and updated all of our server systems and websites (From Sept 01.23) we have a couple of small problems to deal with. And if you where certified with ITDA-IHMP before October 2023 and after June 2022 your credentials are SAFE but we may need to manually recreate some files.
If you have any problems with your certification check, please advise and we will update for Just $10 USD... You may use the form below but and make a small payment!... To cover admin costs!
If you were certified before June 2022 then you were only registered on our old system, where the online service was NOT available.
If you were certified before June 2022 then you may use the form below to Update your credentials after making the appropriate payment. $10 for e-certification or $25 for a new Photo, Secure ID card. Or just $40 for both including postage... Package reduced from $50 USD.

New 2023/24 e-certifications
SAMPLES - This is what our NEW colour coded e-certifications with ID photo look like.... Available now!!!
In this Section we will cover...
I want to update my ITDA-IHMP Certification or Diploma to the New System, Sign me up!

Payment for E-Certification Online (Certification Upgrade to New System) Only - Just $10 USD.
Payment for E-Certification Online and please add an ID Card upgrade for posting (e-Certification & ID Card Upgrade to New System) Just $40 USD.