Open Water Scuba Diver
ITDA-IHMP Training and Certification Scuba Diver
Training Programs Overview
This page / area demonstrates what courses we have available and links for more information on the particular course program you maybe interested in. We begin with Non-Diving Certifications (Learning to Swim & Snorkel) upto becoming a professional and beyond. ITDA-IHMP Also offer our "International Club System". Link here!
And we progress through Scuba - IHMP First Aid - Technical & Occupational Diving, to ITDA Academy...
Scuba Open Water Diver
Entry Level
The first FULL Scuba diving International certification level. Replaced our "Resort Diver Program in 2017... Equal standards to ISO / ANSI See ITDA Standards page for more.

Open Water Scuba Diver
One of diving's - Most popular - Entry Level Scuba Certifications...

About Scuba Open Water Diver
Unique ITDA Difference from other training agencies...
This unique ITDA-IHMP International Training and Certification Program was designed and produced for those people who want to learn to dive safely in a resort environment and who do not want to take up their valuable vacation or holiday time reading books on dive theory and spending hours in the hotel pool playing with scuba equipment...

Fast Easy & Safe...
We get you into the water in around 30 minutes... And learning skills rapidly... The ITDA Scuba Open Water Diver Certification is a full Open Water Certification to dive to 20m/66ft. and recommended supervised diving up to ten (10) open water dives...
In order to gain the experience needed to be a safe competent diver, however ITDA certififed divers may dive unsupervised...
We also recommend that if you do NOT dive for a long period, you should be happy to take a short assessment dive undersupervision before attempting to dive...
Growth and Experience
10 Dives experience is highly recommend, then unsupervised diving with a buddy of equal or higher experience level... or Why not go directly into our Advanced Open Water Diver Program from your Open Water Diver level... You may also be interested to take our unique Open Water Diver+ Plus Program which allows you to add "Level 1. Specialist Diving certifications, up to 3, which can be included in your Open Water Program to add dives and experience...
Many of our professionals and training partners will OFFER SPECIAL Pricing for this...
Level 1. Underwater Digital Photography... For example...
See ITDA Specialist Diver from Open Water Level any agency...