ITDA Asia Region
Please bare with us for just a short time as we are in transition with new and exciting developements... PAGE IS Functioning but in DEVELOPMENT please return soon, mark the page, or email us for any information you need? admin@diveitda.com

All training enquiries please contact:
Tel: +609-862 3300, +609-862 3301 Fax: +609-862 3316, +609-862 3302 Email: sps_enquiries@mytstc.com
ITDA Malaysia
Training Partner TSTC

ITDA has been developing diver training in; Scuba - Technical - Occupational and Professional Diving since 2006... in the region. And now we have a Specialist training partner for ITDA-Malaysia - TSTC Terengannu Safety Training Centre who have worked with us from Day 1. in Malaysia. We welcome a New era in Safer Diver Training in Malaysia to higher than average International standards and Offering ITDA Unique "At Work" Occupational Programs and Training Regional Professionals.
ITDA Singapore
SOTS Divers

ITDA have also had long history in Singapore for over 20 years, we have been training and certifying divers and offering IHMP First Aid training and International certifications - Our Partner team there is led by SOTS Divers - With Hui Kum Meng and his team...

Contact them directly at: itda_dive@gmail.com There are also many opportunities to work with us in Singapore and Indonesia... Scuba Diving - Technical Diving - Professional Levels - Occupational - Specialist & First Aid.
For more Information mail us at: admin@diveitda.com

We are looking for partners?

This region represents a massive opportunity for ITDA partner development with all the major agencies being there for many years, we can offer something new and exciting to this market.
As our senior management lived and worked in the region and know well the challenges of operating a dive business in these amazing islands and from the mainland.
Bringing tours / training tours from Europe, Asia and the USA - for the full Thai experience!
For more Information mail us at: admin@diveitda.com
ITDA Taiwan
Mirage Diving

Dragon chang and his team have been working with ITDA for many years. They have translated our safety and training materials into Mandarin and expanded ITDA acrosss Asia and China. 張龍和他的團隊已經與ITDA合作多年。 他們將我們的安全和培訓材料翻譯成普通話,並將 ITDA 擴展到亞洲和中國。

Zhāng lóng hé tā de tuánduì yǐjīng yǔ ITDA hézuò duōnián. Tāmen jiāng wǒmen de ānquán hé péixùn cáiliào fānyì chéng pǔtōnghuà, bìng jiāng ITDA kuòzhǎn dào yàzhōu hé zhōngguó. 請給我們發電子郵件至。Qǐng gěi wǒmen fā diànzǐ yóujiàn zhì. admin@diveitda.com

ITDA Brunei
Partner Ponimarine

Starting out as a recreational diving operation in 2009 as Poni Divers, our divers first received commercial diving work in 2012 when a crane collapsed into the sea pulling down along with it generators and large industrial welding sets that required immediate salvage & recovery. Link to Brunei page
Poni Marine Head OfficeUnit S1, 2nd Floor,Al-Warasah Building,Muara Town, Muara BT1187, BruneiTel: +673 277 2328