ITDA Training Director
What is a training director!

How is this different from a CD?
ITDA Training Director
This level of ITDA Certification is above the title of ITDA Course Program Director and Includes both Sport Scuba Trainer Training and if the person is qualified my include: IHMP Training Director.
A Technical Training Director can operate and run ITDA Technical Trainer and Technical Instructor Courses and with an Examiner from ITDA HQ or ITDA HQ may allow the upgrade or a trainer at this level to ITDA Technical Director Assessor Examiner (A level appointed by ITDA HQ Training Board Only and ratified by our Executive Board)... Who can train and certify Instructors and Trainers, also they may organise and run Course Director Programs...
Course Directors may NOT certify Instructors or trainers without a trainer and an ITDA HQ Staff Assessor Examiner or appointed HQ regional partner... At this level...
About Training Director
How can I become a training director?
You must meet the following minimum ITDA standards requirements: Be 25 Years of age plus a minimum of 10 years diving experience...
You must have a minimum of 5 years experience as a Technical Instructor Trainer or if a Scuba Trainer then as a Staff Instructor or equal with a Technical Specialty.
You must have over 300 Specialist Dives logged and have been involved with a minimum of 10 Instructor training programs, including at least 5 technical instructor programs... Having the ITDA Assessor rating would be a real benefit...

Advantage Tech Trainers
Crossover & Upgrade to a Senior Level
Diving Trainers who also have Technical Instructor Certifications from any agency...
We have a very exhaustive process for crossing professionals over at this level... Out of more than 20 applicants at the last option back in 2022 we choose 1 person...Who is doing very well! Next opening for this level will be in early 2024 around April - May for Europe and the USA / South America.... Egypt and the Middle-East Feb-March 24. Get your application in early to be considered!
Please mail us@
What about ITDA-IHMP Training Partners?
Our Training Partners may also apply to run programs at these levels...
ITDA Pro-Training facilities and our unique Divepro training partners need an ITDA Course Director to operate our Instructor Training Programs...
An ITDA HQ Staff member can be appointed as an Assessor Examiner or an Experienced Course Director may apply to upgrade to ITDA Assessor Examiner on completion of our Assessor Program...
Highly experience Technical Trainers maybe consider for Crossover and Upgrade contact us with your resume or short bio...
There are a lot of Opportunities for those at the very top of the tree...