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New Members Welcome...

You can find new members by month here below... If you are a new ITDA-IHMP Member and are NOT listed here please notify us... (NOTE NOT all members are listed due to Identity protection or by request...)


Contact us. 

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New Certifications
By month October 2023

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

This is our new member section. It's a great place to introduce the world to your new ITDA-IHMP Certification(s) it offers a special place to show your achievements. every month we will show new certifications for the previous month... If you do not want to appear here please mail us.

Add an ITDA-IHMP ID Card to your e-certificate from just $25 USD €25 euros. Use this link here to admin page:...

We will send you a *paypal request for payment of the $25/€25 (Post Inc.) *Unless your Instructor has ordered for you!

If you have a cert that is NOT listed for this period e-mail us.

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