Advanced Specialist Level 3.
This Advanced Specialist level is open to divers who have completed the ITDA Level 2. Specialist program with minimum 30+ Total Dives Experience or ITDA Advanced or Club Divers (20+ Dives) may train and certify as "Advanced Specialist". After certification they may enter ITDA Technical Diving or Leadership Programs.
(Leadership Level also requires Advanced Rescue Diver or maybe included in the program...)
Our most popular programs
How it works...
Very simply the ITDA Specialist diver programs are "Progressive Certifications" building on theory, training and skills development, through experience (Number of Dives) at each level. For example a Newly certified diver would be encouraged to take our Buoyancy & Gas Management program. As a natural progression from Open Water Scuba Diver. Learning more about control!
Levels 2 and 3 are extended experience levels, learning more & practicing more complex skills...
Advanced Specialist L3.
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
These are some examples of our Level 3, Advanced Specialist diver certifications
Specialist Diving Certifications available at this Advanced Level:
After completing levels 1 and 2...
Cold Water (dry Suit) Diving, Overhead Environment - Cavern Diving - Wreck Diving - Deep Diving - Side Mount - Sports Nitrox - Rebreather Training (Semi Closed SCR & Closed Circuit CCR to 30m/100ft) - Research & Scientific Diving - Rescue - DPV and ROV - Search & Recovery - Marine Life - Reef Fish ID - Shark Diving. - Navigation - Night Diving - Equipment - Dive Planning - Twinset Diving - UW Photography / UW Video - SMB Deployment - Computer Diver - Cave Diver (from Level 2 ONLY)...
Instructors may also apply to ITDA HQ to add / incldue IAP (Instructor Authored Programs) with HQ setting minimum standards and safe training requirements based on the risk factor at this level.
Instructors from other agencies may also train and certify CPR First Aid and basic rescue skills with surface recovery methods and may also offer Oxygen First Aid and AED/DEA First-Aid at this level. If student has not already completed this training! See ITDA Multi-Agency page
Specialist Diver Certifications at all levels may be fully credited to further training and education in the ITDA System,
If a Diver takes the ITDA Advanced Open water or Advanced Sports Diver Programs, previous Specialist certification may be credited. i.e. If a diver has x2 Specialist Certifications at level 1. They ONLY need to complete the core programs dives requirement and the theory modules to certify ITDA Advanced Open Water / Advanced Club Diver. The Core Dives are: Buoyancy - Navigation and Deep Diving...