Courses Overview
ITDA-IHMP Training and Certification Courses Offered
Training Programs Overview
ITDA-IHMP Courses...
This page demonstrates what courses we have available and links for more information on the particular course program you maybe interested in. We begin with Non-Diving Certifications (Learning to Swim & Snorkel) upto becoming a professional and beyond. ITDA-IHMP Also offer our "International Club System". Link here!
As we progress through Scuba Diving - IHMP First Aid - Technical & Occupational Diving, to ITDA Academy Cert & Diploma...
Entry Level - Scuba - Rescue
From our most popular Experience & Entry Level scuba to Rescue Diver...
Intermediate to Leadership
We offer links here to more details about our International training & certifications
Technical & Occupational
ITDA are one of the few training and certification agencies that include Occupational diving as an extension from our in-depth and highly practical
"Technical Diver" training and certifications.
Training & Certification
Our international training and certification programs meet and exceed the Industry standards from bodies like the RSTC and WRSTC.
We have been UK HSE (UK Government Approved) since 2005 and we operate in 65 Countries (And Growing!).
Growing with our training partners, and expanding all the time.
ITDA are also members of DEMA Diving Equpment Marketing Association (USA)
DIA Dive Industry Association of America (USA) and the
SUF Singapore Underwater Federation (CMAS Asia)
and other Industry Bodies...

DEMA is the trade association for the international scuba diving industry. With more than 1,400 Member business members, DEMA's mission is bringing businesses together to grow the Diving Industry worldwide...

Dive Industry Association, Inc. is the Premier Marketing & Trade Association in the diving community dedicated to “Building a Better Industry, One Member at a Time.”

Singapore Underwater Federation is a National Sports Association (NSA) governing Underwater Sports like Finswimming , Underwater Hockey , Underwater Rugby, Free-Diving, Scuba Diving (CMAS) and other Sport Diving in Association with Sport Singapore. We are also members of Confederation Mondiale des Activities Subaquatiques (CMAS) and Asian Underwater Federation (AUF). Learn More?
ITDA Divepro®

ITDA Divepro is our highest level of Partnership Membership as a fully licensed franchise partner.
It includes many benefits and is a great way for both our diving training facilities and IHMP First Aid training partners to get more out of ITDA-IHMP certifications.
Plus ITDA-IHMP Professional Levels benefit from their annual fees being included with the added option of joining our unique monthly payment subscription system or taking a 20% discount on payment of annual fees.
Plus our unique e-certification system with 24/7/365 online verification service.