About Us
ITDA were formed in 1998 from a growing need for higher standards, higher education, and safer training, to combat the Fast-Track mentality that meant safety corners where being cut to save time & money, with Open Water courses in 2-3 days.
The industry was being "Market Driven" and not standards driven. Resulting in lower education and training standards based on saving time and lowering costs...
With the largest agencies benefiting from the mass market!

Get to Know Us
You probably have never heard of us and this is fine, as we do NOT spend millions of dollars a year on marketing but on standards, theory and training skills develeopment. ITDA-IHMP work only with the highest quality partners around the world. Therefore reducing competition between our partners from Asia to Europe++.
Many agencies aim to have the most instructors trained in the shortest possible time, ITDA-IHMP place more importance on experience!
Link here to a short presentation about us...
The ITDA Team is not just a title, it is of real value as ITDA-IHMP Certifications are hard earned, with challenging skills, training and demanding theory knowledge, way above average. Resulting in a "Back to basics revival", Making your ITDA-IHMP Certification a real reward! Our standards are also higher for academic theory & training!

ITDA-IHMP Difference!
Simply put ITDA-IHMP are very different from other training and certification providers operating around the world today. The first big difference is that we have a unique "Certification Process". As we require a minimum number of dives experience to progress in our system, we also offer upgrades and higher education programs from ITDA Academy. Theory programs & Assessor on-line... Link below...
What are our Goals & Objectives?
Our aspirations and desires as a training agency: We are NOT interested in being the biggest training agency in the World, ONLY the best at what we do...
Producing higher Quality - Safer and Competent Divers at all levels of the Industry from Recreational to Professional Diving... Is our primary objective.
We offer a unique insight into the core values of the ITDA-IHMP and our motivation to be the highest standards training agency, based on quality and not quantity. i.e. We are unique in many ways in the Sports diving world as not only do we accept multi-agency instructors and divers but we actively encourage them...
The International Technical Diving Agency, offer the highest quality, value for money and highest training standards in the Industry.
Our Vision
Our global vision is to produce the highest quality of training and offer only those that meet our high standards a certification, meaning that ITDA-IHMP certifications are well earned and never given for a price!
What is an ITDA Training Partner?
An ITDA Training Partner is simply any diving professional or diver training facility that has an agreement or MOU with ITDA HQ to provide training and International certifications from ITDA-IHMP.
We have a NEW System of Membership levels which will eventually replace the annual fee system... See membership link button below...
Our Philosophy
What makes ITDA different? Simply our attitude and philosophy is not to own the world or have every dive centre or instructor to be ITDA-IHMP... No!
We encourage multi-agency to offer our students and divers what they want and need... Not what we sell...
1. Standards
We want to increase the quality of our standards and create higher standards and safer training which is more educational, and experience based with skills training to exceed standards from our Industry, ISO and ANSI/EN etc.

4. New Developments
We are continually searching for quality training partners who share our passion for education and training to higher standards. See our partners page link
2. Focus on Development
We have never been and will never be a "Fast-Track", get in, get out and be certified to a minimum industry standard agency...

5. Instructor Training
Our Certifified Professionals meet and exceed the highest standards. New ITDA Instructor Training and Trainer Assessor Workshops have been developed to offer higher quality intensive professional level training based on higher experience levels, education and exceptional leadership and communication skills.
3. Our USP Unique Sales Point is about quality not quanity!
Our approach to diver development is to be entirely honest with our students and our professionals limiting certifications to actual diving ability, not issuing blanket certifications to a minimum standard. See Standards Page.
This ensures both agency integrity and diver safety both in training and after certification. ITDA levels are earned and never given!

6. Further Education
Through ITDA Academy we are offering a unique opportunity for professionals and divers from any agency to gain academic qualifications in; Certificaticate in Diving, Certificate in Diving Education and a Diploma in Rescue & Advanced Diving & IHMP First Aid. See ITDA Academy Link