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Medical Wavier Form

IHMP International Hyperbaric Medical Programs, Division of ITDA Group International and the first aid training arm of ITDA-IHMP International Co. Ltd. Offer here our International guideline "Fit to Dive" Self-Certification wavier form.  NOTE:  In many Countries a "Fitness to Dive Medical" Certificate from a physician maybe required...

Health Declaration

Please fill out the following form
in order to participate in our scuba diving activities or Certification Course Programs..

ihmp first aid
Have you ever suffered from blackouts or mental illness?
Do you get or beome out of breath from moderate exercse?
Are you suffering from or ever suffered from a medical condition, illness, or injury, affecting your heart or lungs?
Are you a smoker?
Do you engage in any sports?
Do you drink more than 4 units of alcohol a day?
Can you swim for 30m/100ft without any breathing difficulties?
Would you describe yourself as a "Fit & Healthy" person?
Do you consider yourself "Overweight" for your height / age or BMI Index?

Thanks for submitting!

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