Course Director
What is a Course Director?
ITDA Course Director and our Instructor Trainer programs are "Real World Training", this means that the training takes place as part of a real Instructor Program and under the direct supervision of our highest level of HQ Staff and Assessor Examiners...
Our CD Course Director programs from 2019 Include our new CD Assessor workshops.

About Course Director
The Highest Professional Level
A Course Director is the primary driving force behind most agencies Instructor Training Programs, PADI IDC requires a Course to open and close the program for example.
In ITDA-IHMP we a little different as our Course Directors are responsible for running the entire program and MUST be involved in a minimum of assessing and evaluating 1 session of theory / classroom (Preferably 4 or 5) and the Last Confined water training session and the last Open Water session. Plus they MUST co-sign the Rescue Assessment and Evaluation.
So therefore in the ITDA-IHMP Education System you can say that our Course Director - Directs our Instructor Training.
They are also jointly responsible with the ITP trainers for general class administration and they may make valuable input into candidate evaluations and final apraisals before grading.
Course Director is the highest professional grade in Scuba Diving.

Why should I consider becoming a Course Director
For the respect and prestige!
There are very many reasons you may want to become an ITDA Course Director for one if you are interested in training professionals as multi-agency, offering your candidates / clients a choice of agencies.
Or perhaps to save money and offer more training options with greater flexibility and to be a part of our New Membership System... NO Annual Fees just a small monthly payment.
Plus commission on your students membership monthly... And discounts on materials and certifications... Plus we pay discounts up to 35% and offer incentives with commissions paid on instructor candidates on-line education with ITDA Academy... You may have or know of other reasons?

How to become a CD
How can I become a Course Director?
There are three (x3) ways to become an ITDA Course Director.
1. Attend a Course Director Program
2. Be Invited by ITDA HQ to Attend a CD Program
3. Crossover from an equal level from another agency and be assessed on a working CD Program. (As a CD Designate)
Special Note: In some circumstances where a candidate shows exceptional diving skills, training & teaching skills and has the right level of experience, we can consider them as CD DEsignate Candidates. Other agencies Trainer levels or IDC Staff with a high degree of experience may also be considered for a crossover / trial. See our Application for CD below.
Who can certify ITDA CD Level?
ITDA Pro-Training facilities and our unique Divepro training partners need an ITDA Course Director to operate our Instructor Training Programs...
An ITDA HQ Staff member recommended by the ITDA Training Board can be appointed as an Assessor Examiner (Based on Experience & Qualifications) or an Experienced Course Director may apply to upgrade to ITDA-IHMP Assessor Examiner on completion of our Assessor Program...

Course Director Application
Please complete this form to apply for a senior training position with us.
ITDA-IHMP International Technical Diving Agency